week I have spent quite a lot of time at Helsinki Pride 2013 events. After returning
from our cottage on Wednesday I immediately went to a panel discussion about the gender diversity.
I was one of the panelist, the others were a transgender and an inter-/transsexual
person. There were not a specially huge audience but it was very active and seemed
to be happy about our presentations and discussion following them.
After the
panel discussion we went to bar for some snack, beer and reflection about the panel
and our activity as a trans political commission. And after that we found our
way to a “Barn Ball” though it rather happened in pavilion restaurant. The day had
been very hot and it was still hot inside so we stayed mostly outdoors expect when we danced.
Thursday was my laundry day, including my already
sweaty summer dress. The other thing I did was that I had my ears pierced. The
third thing was my speciality, a mushroom pie for coming picnic purposes.
Friday was
a day for picnics. First we went to SETA (the Finnish national LGBTI organization)
activist picnic for some sparkling to sip. I took half of my mushroom pie with us, seeing
it disappearing in rather short time. Then
we went on for a picnic for trans people in the next park! Because the mushroom
pie has already run out we had nothing to bring with us there.
The evening was for the ladies club in a Kaivopuisto park restaurant. The weather was not that warm any more and I had some difficulties in getting myself warm outdoors. However I came home quite early mostly because I didn’t want to be too tired next morning…
….which was the morning of the parade day. First we went to SETA office to fetch our brand new Dreamwearclub banderol. The parade started from the Senate Square in the heat of the city. We put the banderol in the very visible place to show the other supporters of the “gender diversity”. It was the first time we had our own block for trans people in the parade. And we managed to get together about forty people, mostly young persons. We had some Facebook discussion about the agenda and there were some very irritating persons dominating the discussion (and actually they ended up to march in pink-black block) that scared many transvestites that didn’t like the idea of marching in the quarrelling block.

Finally there were no quarrel and we marched with joy, happiness, .... and pride!! Two of our friends were dressed in specially nice rainbow costumes and were the real media magnets with interviews and photo- and video shootings. I carried the banderol during the whole march which was not very long, about two kilometers.
And of
course, there was a picnic after the march. And of course, I had the other half
of the mushroom pie to serve there. We met lots of old friends there and acquainted
with new ones.

Finally we ended our Pride tour at Mummolaakso (a union for adult lesbian ladies) ball. We had a good time chatting, drinking and dancing.
And when I woke up on Sunday morning I had a feeling I had experienced something special with my old and new friends during the week.