Now it’s time to sum up the year 2017. To me it has been full of
experiences and also year of expanding my territory. I will sum it up with
series of photos taken this year.
My everyday territory has expanded quite a lot after telling
my neighbours about Anukatariina. I’ve walked a lot, driven by my new bicycle,
taken sunbaths, gardening, picking berries and mushroom… and feeling free to be what I am!
My trips have also been numerous in different places:
Viljandi Estonia
Saimaa district
My night life has not been as active as it used to be. That
is probably because my daily life has been so busy, both as Anukatariina and in
my male mode.
At the theater performance
Getting my first trophy for the best costume of the evening
My belly dance society has become closer and more important
to me. We have done many other things in addition to training and performing: sewing
club session, visiting the performances of other dance studios, having our own
night activities and having fun with friends that have become so dear.

My political life has been extremely full of incidents:
Lecturing about diversity of gender and discrimination at work places,
acting for better name bill
and trans law,
discussing about better interaction between police and LGBTI
constructing our dressing room at Seta office,
taking part to Pride happenings,
starting the career as the vice president of Dreamwear Club and representig it in Seta assembly,
meeting foreign people to talk about situations in their country,...
opening the Transgender Day of Remembrance happening at the stairs of the Parliament House
My most personal political act was my decision to tell my
colleagues about Anukatariina.
This year makes me feel I’m living full life as
Anukatariina, at least far fuller than I could even dream about some ten years
ago. I want to thank all the sisters who
have made it possible and wish them happy and prosperous new year 2018!
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