torstai 29. marraskuuta 2012

A Little Bit of Burlesque And Trans-Helsinki Happenings

Last weekend I had quite a hurry. On Friday I have decided to visit burlesque club. So I had to get preparations soon after coming home after work. I had made an appointment with a Tiina deep from Savonia district. She’s an organist and we were going to have a lot of chatting about musical issues.

So… I put my lilac satin dress on (the same I wore at the first burlesque visit) because I thought the audience was different. I was right, there were only few same persons and very few even bothered to get dressed suitably. The place was a tiki bar with Pacific food and atmosphere. Also the show was based on the Pacific feelings. I met Tiina instantly with her friends, one lady from Estonia and one lady and a gentleman from Turku.  So we got our drinks and started to watch the show.

Compared with my first time also the show was smaller. And also the atmosphere was not that intense. And when the two sets were performed, the audience didn’t rush to the dance floor but started to vanish gradually. It seemed we were the only ones to dance some 50’s rock and jive for a while. I had quite heavy ear rings with clips and a bracelet of the same material so both the the bracelet and one of my ear rings flew in an arch to the dance floor.

                                                                   (Picture taken by Tiina)

We stayed about an hour but talking was quite hard to do because the noise of the dance music. After that I wanted to go home pretty soon to be ready for the next day…

…which was Saturday so I didn’t even have to wake up very early to get ready for the day. The issue was Trans-Helsinki happening, containing the mini conference in the afternoon and the ball in the evening. I was prepared for both events with different outfit so I packed a suitcase in my car. I met some of my friends at the conference and after it I went for a dinner with my very dear friend Elise. The dinner was a real seaside dinner, meaning Hesburger mega meals at the seaside parking place.  At least the view was very beautiful from the old park to Suomenlinna fortress on the islands of the Baltic Sea.

After the dinner we headed to our friends Patricia and Päivi, who had invited us for pre party before the ball. There were some other girls, too. We took a sip of sparkling and chatted a lot before we started to prepare for the night. Well, that was some show ladies rushing from here to there. Luckily the apartment was covered with mirrors (the rest of the space was filled with heels….).

We had to enter the show room in time because Patricia was a speaker of the night. We managed to do it but in spite of that there were some friends present already.  And the others came later, there were some 50 people celebrating that issue, the others being there anyway. I also met many sisters that I haven’t seen for ages so it was a nice thing to chat with them. Though there were so much noise the chatting was not very easy to do. The music was for dancing so I also danced every now and then.

The two late nights did not seem to be my thing so I started to yarn gradually. So I decided to thank my friends and say goodbye and go to my car. When I was driving back home I was stopped by police. So I had to blow to alcohol meter and did it with some lipstick stain for the first time in my life. The Police lady seemed to scare me asking whether I have drunk something if I’m going to drive any longer than home. Then she added the measurement was inside the limit and wished me a nice driving home.   

sunnuntai 28. lokakuuta 2012

Mummolaakso Ball

Saturday evening we had a night out with my spouse. We visited the Mummolaakso ball.  Mummolaakso (the valley of elderly ladies) is a Finnish women’s organization. The name resembles the name Muumilaakso which is the Finnish name for Moomin Valley. They organize dance evenings every now and then. This time the place was a Greek restaurant so we ate a good Greek dinner first. We also chatted with some old friends there. My spouse won’t dance but she likes to watch other people do it. I was asked for some cha cha, salsa and rock and roll by other dancers. 

So we both had fun till midnight when we disappeared in the moonlight like two Cinderellas (she’s the one who’s having smaller feet though…).   

torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012

Holiday in Prague

This week I have my holiday so I flew to Prague with my spouse for a couple of days. I have never been there so it was totally new experience for me. Prague city is not very large but it’s crowded of many beautiful churches and other old buildings. We visited some of the churches and museums and heard a concert which unfortunately turned out to be a cheap medley of most (read: too much) played pieces of classical repertoire.  As the town is not very big we could easily walk from a place to another, from town hall to the old bridge and climb to the Palace hill. We could enjoy the marvelous masterpieces of architecture from medieval era to art nouveau style from early 1900's. And of course it was so touching to see the places where so many dramatic incidents have taken place, the latest not so many years ago. 

The weather was quite dim and foggy but it didn’t rain too much, either.  When we got hungry or thirsty we popped in to restaurants and pubs in local style to enjoy local pork and duck and beers and liqueurs. We were also supposed to go some jazz club but so much walking and seeing things made my spouse so tired she fell asleep before we could get ready for the night.

And of course we did some shopping at the old town and Wenceslas Square areas. There’s a very hip place for shopping the Paris Street but for some reason we skipped the shops like Versace, Prada, Cartier and Burberry there…. I bought a ring of Czech national jewel garnet and some shoes and blouses. The price level is approximately same as in Finland but the wages are so much lower so I wonder how on earth they can afford to buy anything.

 Two and half  days were far too little to find all the wonderful places in Prague so I’m sure I’ll go there some other time to enjoy it’s marvelous atmosphere. 

sunnuntai 21. lokakuuta 2012

Fashion, Beauty and Burlesque

On Saturday 20th of October I had a busy day. In the  afternoon I visited the beauty and fashion Fair. I wandered from a desk to another finding out what is hot in European fashion, getting advice on makeup and beauty care and looking into clothes stands to find treasures. I didn’t find much “must” products after being busy in that area during the last weeks and on the other hand preparing to check the Czech range next week.

I spent there two hours and after that I went to downtown for a little snack. It was quite warm and I could walk in the streets with my coat and blazer opened. Then I had to go to prepare myself for the evening. I changed my black pencil skirt and blazer to lilac-blue prom dress, added some more makeup and false lashes,… 

...I was preparing myself to go to Burlesque show. Although it may sound like I was going to perform there I was just a part of audience; the audience will dress up in appropriate style in shows. That makes the show more collective happening, not just performing to an audience.

For me it was the first time to be at Burlesque show. I have some friends that are more in business and some of them were even performing that night. Burlesque is related to erotic show and strip tease ending to spinning tassels is the ultimate end of every show number.  But different from normal erotic show it has lots of humor and the performers are not always slim like erotic dancers usually are. The style reference is mostly the pin up style from 40-50s. The audience is mostly women so sharing erotic feelings is very essential part of the show.  In Finland the performers are mostly amateurs and that makes the collective feeling even stronger.

I watched the show with some of my friends and their friends. After the three-part show there was some dance music, mostly from fifties. And of course, I wanted to shake legs and let my skirt hems swing so I went to the dance floor for about half an hour with other girls, both audience and performers.  After that I drove home in rainy and misty October night and very rapidly changed to my nightie….and fell asleep almost instantly.  

torstai 18. lokakuuta 2012

Transihmiset ja feminismi – hajamietteitä asiasta ja asian vierestä

Now I want to publish something I have written elsewhere. For me it's quite hard task to translate it so it's only in Finnish.

Transihmiset ja feminismi – hajamietteitä asiasta ja asian vierestä

Olin kuuntelemassa ja naistenpäivän aikoihin SETA:n toimistolla järjestettyä seminaaria aiheesta Trans ja feminismi. Kevät on ollut kiireistä
ja kauan vireillä olleeseen ajatus koota tilaisuuden virittämiä ajatuksia toteutui vasta kesän alussa loman vihdoin koittaessa.

Tilaisuus oli muodoltaan paneelikeskustelu johon osallistui Transtukipisteen  edustaja, kaksi transsukupuolista akateemisesti asioihin tutustunutta ja yksi queer-feminismin edustaja. Itselleni huomio tässä koostumuksessa kiinnittyi siihen, että sieltä puuttui kokonaan transvestiittien ja ”tavallisten” aktiivifeministien, kuten Naisliitto Unionin edustus. Täten feminismi näyttäytyi keskustelussa monina suurelle yleisölle tuntemattomien feministiteoreetikkojen niminä, jotka sillä vauhdilla vilahtelevina  viittauksina eivät tuoneet juuri lisävalaistusta asiaan. Toisaalta monet trans-puolen painotukset olivat korostetun ”transsukupuolisia”.

Yksi panelistien tuoma tärkeä näkökulma oli, että feminismejä todella on monta sorttia, joten mitään yleistä on kovin vaikea sanoa.  Yhteinen asia niille on kaiketi patriarkaatiksi kutsutun miehisen valtarakenteen paljastaminen ja sen ylivallan vastustaminen. Erot taas ”lihallistuvat” voimakkaimmin siinä, mikä on feminismin kautta emansipoituneen naisen ihannetila. Siinä suhteessa syntyy myös usein oma normatiivinen kuva oikeasta tavasta olla feministi. Radikaaleimmille on tärkeää hylätä mies kaikessa muussa kuin lisääntymiseen liittyvänä pakollisena tuotannontekijänä, osalle taas on tärkeää, että nainen vapautuu olemaan juuri tasan niin naisellinen ja parisuhteesta yms. nauttiva nainen, kuin hän kulloinkin vain haluaa. Voidaan puhua feminisminormatiivisuudesta, tai oikeastaan sen kirjosta.

On tunnettua, että feministisillä suuntauksilla on jännitteitä transihmisiä kohtaan. Tämähän on aiheuttanut esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa vastaliikkeenä poliittisen transliikeen haaran, joka puolestaan on hyvin vihamielinen feministejä kohtaan.  Kuuluisin tämän suuntauksen edustaja on Julia Serano, jonka kirjaa ”Whipping Girl” siteerataan tietyissä transpiireissä myös Suomessa.

Miksi niin monilla feministeillä sitten on jotain transihmisiä vastaan? Eri feministiryhmittymillä ja yksittäisillä feministeillä niitä on monia. Osalle radikaalifeministejä naiseus on nostettu sellaiselle jalustalle, että transihmisen on mahdoton saavuttaa sitä ja siten he eivät voi tavoittaa ihannefeministin statusta. Monessa tapauksessa on kyse ajatuksesta, että kyse on transsukupuolisenkin tapauksessa miehestä, siis sudesta lampaiden vaatteissa. Tämä ajattelu on toki ollut yleisempää menneinä aikoina, kun transsukupuolisuuden oletettiin olevan puhtaasti mentaalinen häiriö. Yksi peruste transihmisten  vastustamiselle on se, että ajatus naisen heikosta asemasta tulee uhanalaiseksi siitä, että joku ehdoin tahdoin haluaa sellaiseksi hakeutua. Tätä uhrin asemaa ei myöskään haluttaisi suoda transsukupuolisille, joille asema ei tosiaankaan ole mikään valinnan asia.

Tranvestiitteihin kohdistuu erityisiä paineita. Tiitithän korostavat usein naisellisuuttaan pukeutumisessa, meikkauksessa ja kampauksessa, joita taas pidetään erittäin laajalti ”miehen silmän miellyttämisenä” ja siten pakkopaitana naisen elämässä.  Tässä toki on tosiasia se, että useimmat tiitit katselevat itseään miehen silmin ja muokkaavat itsensä tuota silmää miellyttäviksi. Ja totta on sekin, että kaikkein seksistisin julkinen pukeutuminen ei yleensä aja feminismin asiaa - ellei siihen ole liitetty jokin selkeä viesti halusta ilmaista itseään itsenäisesti ja vapaasti - Madonnakin kai pitää itseään feministinä.

Onko feminismillä ja transihmisillä sitten mitään yhteistä poliittista agendaa, jossa löytyisi yhteistyömahdollisuuksia? Paneelissa niitä tuli hyvin vähän esiin. Itse nostin seuranneessa yleisökeskustelussa sen, että ”vihollinen” on molemmilla toki sama. Se on tuo ”patriarkaatti”, jota itse nimittäisin kuitenkin eri tavoin. Se on miehinen valtarakenne, jossa aina vallitsevissa tilanteissa jotkin miehet pyrkivät asettumaan toisten yläpuolelle ja heidän alleen muodostuu hierarkkinen arvojärjestys. Sen biologinen tausta on laumahierarkian muodostuminen ja suvun jatkumisen varmistanen siinä. Rakenne on pureutunut nykyiseenkin kulttuuriimme niin, että sen säännöt ovat juurtuneet väestön asenteisiin ja ohjaavat toimintaa miesten keskinäisissä ja miesten ja naisten välisissä vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Kun lauman alfakoiras ilmaisee valtansa näkyvällä vallankäytöllä ja sillä, että hän haluaa esiintyä kaikki asiat hallitsevana mestarina, osansa saavat siitä naiset, jotka joutuvat alistetuksi ja tämän näytöksen statisteiksi miehisen vallan ilmentäjinä. Miesten taas pitää tyytyä kullekin lankeavaan asemaan hierarkiassa (silloin tällöin käytävillä soidinmenoilla toki höystettynä) ja puolustaa joukkuepelaajana tätä valtarakennetta: Ainahan voi tulla tilanne, jossa pääsee näyttämään asemansa vieläkin alemmalla tasolla olevien keskuudessa. Ja se toki koskee naisia, koska tuossa sopimuksessa on tärkeää pitää yllä miesten ylemmyyttä naisiin nähden.  Kaikki tämä näyttäytyy lopulta feministeille ”patriarkaatin salaliittona”. Tässä tullaan nyt myös miehisen valtarakenteen ja transihmisten väliseen hankalaan suhteeseen. Mies, joka luopuu heteromiehen statuksestaan, on joko luuserien luuseri, tai mikä vielä pahempaa, tuon miesten välisen suuren yhteisen sopimuksen pettäjä. Molemmat syyt ”antavat oikeuden” hyvin voimakkaisiin toimenpiteisiin mikä lienee tärkein syy miesten homoihin ja transihmisiin kohdistuvaan väkivaltaiseen käytökseen.  Maailmalla homojen ja transimisten potkijoiden machomielipiteet lienevät yleisempiä kuin keskimääräisesti, joskin ääriuskonnolliset ja puhtaan homofobiset (jos en ole tuota kohtaan aggressiivinen, luulevat minuakin homoksi ja porukan petturiksi…) asenteetkin ovat siinä osatekijöinä. Yleensä he eivät ole myöskään kovin korkealla miehisessä valtarakenteessa ja hakevat näin itseään heikompaa kohdetta.

Valtarakenteen kummallisena ilmentymänä on myös tutun naistranvestiitin kokemus. Naisellehan on ”luvallista” lainata miehistä pukeutu mista aika vapaasti ilman, että hänen nainen-leimansa siitä murenisi. Kun hän kuitenkin on ollut pukeutuneena täysin miehisesti, hän on kohdannut miesten taholta todella aggressiivista kielenkäyttöä. Yhteenvetona edellisestä voisi siis todeta, että sekä feministeille että transihmisille on hyödyllistä paljastaa miehisiä valtarakenteita ja vastustaa niiden ihmisten elämänaluetta rajoittavia vaikutuksia. Transihmisten taakkana on lisäksi monien feministisuuntausten perusteeton nuiva suhtautuminen.

Keskustelua paneelin jälkeen

Jäin vielä paneelin jälkeen keskustelemaan yhden panelistin kanssa esille nousseista teemoista. Yksi aika paneelissa voimakkaasti esille noussut väittämä oli, että transasioista on turha medioissa meiskata. Ajatus kulki suunnilleen sillä tavoin, että yksi hyväkin mediassa esiintyvä juttu menettää merkityksensä, kun samana iltana jo toisessa mediassa transfobinen sketsi nollaa positiivisen vaikutuksen. Toisaalta
mediaa ei voi hallita ja se tekee lopulta jutuista omanlaisensa – yleensä muuta kuin mitä transihmiset olisivat niiltä toivoneet. Tämä ajatustapa lienee jossain määrin sukua sille transsukupuolisien ihmisten keskuudessa yleiselle ajatukselle, että ”hiljaa hyvää tulee”, oman prosessinsa voi pitää salassa ja sille kaikki transjulkisuus on uhka.

Esitin kyseiselle keskustelijalle vastaväitteen. Otin esimerkiksi tutuksi käyneestä Lappeenrannasta, jossa ennen kaikkea tiittien iloinen näkyvyys katukuvassa on tuottanut suurelle määrälle kaupunkilaisia kokemuksen että ”nehän on ihan tavallisia ja mukaviakin ihmisiä”. Tällaisen kokemuksen jälkeen se illalla esitettävä trans-sketsi ei enää purekaan samalla tavalla, rokotus transfobiaa vastaan alkaa tehota! Toisaalta kerroin heille, kuinka samaisessa kaupungissa mediaa on hallittu salakavalalla tavalla: Paikalliset tiitit ovat integroituneet kaupungin akkainväen menoihin, jolloin sieltä tuleva palaute on väkisin positiivista – eihän sellaisesta voi seurapiiripalstoilla muutoin kirjoittaa! Kysyin jälkeenpäin Lappeerannan puuhanaiseltamme Mimmiltä, oliko juoni tosiaan suunniteltu, ja vastauksena sain: ”Tottakai!”

Toinen jälkikeskustelun aihe oli normatiivisuus eri ryhmissä. Trans-kielenkäytössä käytetään erittäin yleisesti  käsitettä heteronormatiivinen. Totesimme, että voidaan puhua myös homonormatiivisista malleista siitä, minkälainen homon pitäisi olla. Tästä hyvän esimerkin kohtasin paljon myöhemmin, kun yksi lesbo kertoi ahdistuneensa, miten voisi pukeutua ensimmäiseen Mummolaakson iltamaansa: Farkut, virttynyt T-paita….. Sama koskee voimakkaasti myös transsukupuolisia, joille yksi varsin yleinen ”normi” on välttää kaikenlaista naisellisuuden korostamista. Ja onhan meilläkin on omia tiittinormeja, joskin kirjo taitaa olla suhteellisen laaja,  osalle meistä kun vain yksi vaatekappale saattaa olla se kaikkein tärkein.  Väittäisin kuitenkin, että esimerkiksi DWC-aktiivien tiitteilyssä on tiettyä yhdenmukaisuutta, jota läheskään kaikki koko laajan Suomen tiitit eivät edusta.

sunnuntai 19. elokuuta 2012

Closing the summer season

My holiday is over and I have started working again. The summer has had sort of hand brake on so I have had difficulties in enjoying it fully. And last week, when I started my work the weather turned so warm and pleasant….

Anyway I also had something else to do our club is about to move to another place. So I packed the things there with Hanna and Tuula Marika. Next week we are going to install tables, mirrors and shelves to new place.

After the packing was done we went to a beach restaurant for a little snack with Tuula Marika. Because the evening was so nice we decided to sit for a while at the seashore chatting and enjoying the nicely warm and gentle late summer sun.

maanantai 6. elokuuta 2012

Stockholm Pride

Last weekend I went to Stockholm Pride festival. The main goal was the parade on Saturday but it takes quite a lot of time to go there from Helsinki by boat. So I took it as a hotel night with some drinks dance shows and some dancing also done by myself. The only not so nice thing was I couldn’t sleep well that night.
Saturday morning I got to Stockholm city and found my hotel – just to notice it was too early to go to my room. So I had to leave my luggage there and try to get everything I possibly could need during the day. Luckily I had taken quite large handbag so it was not too difficult to do it.

Then I went to the park where the start of the parade took place. I found my Swedish friends partly by accident so I could chat with them before. Actually we had a lot of time - the parade was quite slow to get moving.

Compared to Helsinki Pride parade it was much bigger. There were about 50 000 people marching and about 500 000 people watching. And again opposite to Helsinki Pride they were not just watching.  The audience cheered and waved at us they popped in to take pictures with us, and some wanted to shake hands with us. I was really feeling there are so many and so many kinds of people supporting GLBTI rights in Sweden, old and young, men and women basic “Svenssons” and immigrant based…..  

Well, there are different kinds of people in Sweden though.   The right-wing extremist had their counter demonstration somewhere near the parade and Police was very alert to stop them to attack the parade. Anyway nothing happened fortunately.  And it was evident that Stockholm Police is the “good one”, they even had a separate gay police department in parade!

I didn’t stay long in the festival area after the parade. I was quite tired after no so well slept night so I just had some supper and went to hotel. On Sunday I had some time to do some shopping in Stockholm city but I didn’t really find the things I was looking for. And in the afternoon I took a tube to ferry harbor and started my trip back home. This time my feet were aching so much after two days of walking in Stockholm, so I even skipped my dancing routines.

sunnuntai 29. heinäkuuta 2012

Linden scent and lightnings

Yesterday evening was the second warm one this summer. So I decided to go out and enjoy it.  On the journey to town I noticed I had a mirror for makeup for a driver too!  (...and no, the picture is not taken in traffic lights....)

I went for a walk at the seaside. I’m very sensitive to cold but this time I could easily walk in my thin orange summer dress without any sense of freezing. The wind was gentle and air was full of scent of linden flowers.

After the seaside passage I walked to Helsinki city and had a drink at the terrace restaurant. There were no wind and the walls had been warmed by the sun so I even almost sweated in that sleeveless dress! Anyway I wanted to dance later so I went to disco to do it. I think they had air conditioning because it was not that hot anymore, even when I was dancing. 

When I came out of the disco I noticed the streets were a bit wet. And while driving home I saw plenty of lightnings from the thunder storm which had freshened up the air.

perjantai 20. heinäkuuta 2012

Foam party and blueberry pie week

This week has not been very special one. The weather has changed so rapidly and it has been not that warm so I skipped any swimming in the sea. Some sun bath has however taken place, at our yard. If the aim had been doing nothing, object would have been well achieved. Well, I went to the forest to pick some blueberries. I didn’t get much, but enough for blueberry pie though.

And one night I went to the city to foam party. I’ve never seen such so I decided to check it out. I had no intention to get any foam on me so I tried to look the happening from safe distance. I had my orange summer dress with a white blazer. I had just washed the blazer in spite of its sign not to wash it. Not the first time I had washed such clothes without any losses.

I came to the restaurant quite early so there were no people in foam area at the beginning. Then some people went to dance floor to get sprayed in their bathing suits. After some happy hour beers there were lots of dancers in normal clothing.  Afterwards it turned out that their clothes got wet!! The evening was not very warm so I saw many not so happy-looking shivering celebrants. Some tried to warm and dry themselves under the toilet hot air fan

perjantai 6. heinäkuuta 2012

Out again, after a long time

Thursday evening I decided to go out after a long break caused by summer guests whom I had to take to a long trip across Finland.

I decided to go in a restaurant where I could dance some disco and listen to other people sing karaoke (I'm so critical to myself, I sing karaoke only in very special cases). I also wanted to test some of my sale purchases: A Vila dress (7 €), 9 cm heeled sandals (17 €) and light seamed pantyhose (50 cents). The sandals and pantyhose let my red toe nails show nicely.

The sandals were so high I was too afraid to drive car with them so I took a pair of shoes with moderate heels to do it. I changed the sandals in town and found it a bit odd to walk on special high heels in the street, because I haven't done it before. Anyway I got to the restaurant with no major collapses. At the restaurant I did what I have planned, listened to karaoke and danced. I gradually learned the natural way to move on my heels and had a lot fun on the dance floor.

The only drawback during the night was the conversation with a man, who told I looked so awesome and elegant..... just like a queen mother!!! So am I really looking that old ??? Well it turned out the man was a gerontophilian and that might explain his choices of expression.

It was still so comfortably warm Finnish late night when I walked  along the Helsinki streets to my car to get home.

perjantai 15. kesäkuuta 2012

The last week before the break

This week I've been working mostly at home. I've done some shopping, resulting this summer dress.

And meeting Jaana from Tampere and her friend Susanna was fun, explored the whole Forum mall and had some glasses after that at Kappeli terrace in a warm and bright Finnish summer evening.

Now it's time to have a holiday break, hope you'll have yours soon, too :)

tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

My Wild May

Now it's June and I'm afraid that nothing is going to happen so I have a good opportunity to tell about my May experiences.  And for a woman like me there's a lot to tell.

At the beginning of May I visited the Wuolle manor in Hämeenlinna. I have practiced some music pieces with my friends for the annual DreamwearClub spring meeting. For some reason our band has a name "The Dwarf and some Snow Whites". So we played sort of concert containing Stevie Wonder and Elton John among other. Then we played some dance music, but the audience just wanted to listen to us.

While we were playing some strange things happened. When we played loud (at least we thought it was because of that...) the electricity went of and it happened again several times. So we played rest of our gig with low volume and in darkness. The next day it turned out that the whole village was out of electricity and it had nothing to do with us.

Matti (bass), Ines (flute), Asta (drums), me (keyboards), Elise (voc)

On 16th May I was at the demonstration against St. Petersburg anti-LBGT laws in Helsinki City. We sent a post cards attached to a balloons. Because I had no pencil I had to use my lip liner to write my message. Unfortunately the wind was not favourable to us and the balloons flew to west (thus not to St. Petersburg) and many of them stuck to tram contact wires :-(   

You will see the video of that happening here .

On 19th May I went to visit our friend near Turku with my SO. The friend lives by the sea and we had wonderful time there. We also visited the "Ladies only" ball in Turku.

Actually I was "a bit" over-dressed among other ladies with rather modest dress code. However I was asked to dance so much my feet were aching when we left the ball room.

The third big thing took place on 21st May. I was asked to be a model in a fashion show held by fashion design students. The theme of my set was 1920's style. I also had a makeup in that spirit but it actually made me look at least that old as well!!

The fashion show preparation was exactly as it has been normally described: A total chaos, yelling, some minor nervous breakdowns, nobody actually being in charge of everythig. But anyway after some painful hours everything happened as it was planned.

I have never been a model before. So I was more than thrilled when I walked along the catwalk in front of some 400 pairs of eyes and crossfire of flashlights. I was'n very nervous about my walking, I just tried to do it femininely and with some obvious turns to show my dress in different directions.

I'm hoping to get some good photos soon. Video is already available. You will see my appearance just before 10 minutes.

perjantai 1. kesäkuuta 2012


Jaa, että tuli blogi avattua... No, varmaan tänne aivoituksia tulee kirjattua ajan kanssa.

Well, my first blog ever.... Think I could write something anyway every now and then.

Pari päivää olen tehnyt töitä kotoa käsin, tässä asussa aamutuimaan.I have worked at home a couple of days. This is my morning look for that.